Prior to August 24, 2021, the Procurement Card Document was a system-generated document created for each Procurement Card transaction. This document is no longer being created or used in KFS.
- Purpose
- Description Field Information
- Explanation Field (REQUIRED)
- Sales and Use Tax
- Moving Expense to Different Account
- Object Code Changes (REQUIRED)
- Equipment Fabrication Purchases
- Notes and Attachments (REQUIRED)
- Document Not Used to Disapprove Transaction
- Procurement Cardholder (PCDH)
1. Purpose
The Procurement Card Document (PCDO) is system-generated (document initiator displays the name of the cardholder) for each Procurement Card transaction. The document goes to the Action List of the fiscal officer of the account assigned to the card unless the fiscal officer has set up a group or an individual as the Reviewer/Reconciler (done on the Procurement Cardholder document described below). The document routes for Fiscal Officer/Delegate approval and to any Organization Review routing.
The fiscal officer and other P-Card reconcilers are responsible for ensuring that:
- the PCDO document is reviewed as soon as possible after the purchase is made; best practice is to review the document within 30 calendar days of the transaction date; any disputes must be made to the bank within 60 calendar days.
- the purchase is appropriate, compliant, and properly received; appropriate purchases include low-value supply purchases not available on a university supply agreement or at a lower cost through a UCD service, and office furniture under $500.
- the amount paid to the vendor matches the receipt.
- the PCDO document has the required information entered as indicated in the sections below.
- take or recommend corrective action if a Procurement Card has been used inappropriately, such as for travel and entertainment, items for personal use, and split transactions to bypass the delegated purchasing limit of $9,999.99.
2. Description Field Information
The Description field of the PCDO document contains the cardholder name, vendor name, last 4 digits of the Procurement Card number, and the total dollar amount of transaction See the PCDO Searches page for helpful hints on searching for Procurement Card transactions using the Document Search screen.
3. Explanation Field Information (Required)
The Explanation field of the PCDO will appear blank when it first appears in KFS.
You are required to enter the Business Reason for the purchase in this field; the business reason should indicate how the purchase will support teaching, research, public service, or patient care.
4. Sales and Use Tax
If the vendor Point of Sale (POS) system does not feed the tax information to the PCDO document in the Sales Tax Amount field, then the PCDO processor should enter it in the Vendor-Charged Sales Tax field. If the purchase was tax-exempt, the appropriate box should be checked, and a reason selected for the tax exemption. There is also a Use Tax Exempt checkbox in the Accounting Lines section of the PCDO document to identify a specific accounting line (such as one entered for an associated freight cost) that should not be subject to Use tax. Please see the Procurement Card Tax Page for more information.
Ensuring that the Sales tax options are correctly set on the PCDO document will keep the system from incorrectly accruing Use tax.
5. Moving Expense to Different Account
The PCDO allows the processor to move the expense to a different account(s)/object code(s). If you are moving the expense to a different account, with no expense to remain on the default account, you should simply type the new account information over the old account. In other words, you can't approve the document with a 0.00 accounting line.
6. Object Code Changes (Required)
The Object code for each PCDO will appear as PCRD when it first appears in KFS. You are required to change the Object code to reflect specifically what was purchased on the Procurement Card. Visit the Object Codes page for a list of common Object codes used on the PCDO.
7. Equipment Fabrication Purchases
If a purchase was for an equipment fabrication, object code 9600 must be entered on the document; the Accounting Lines for Capitalization and Modify Capital Assets tabs are required to identify the UCOP Asset Tag Number to which the card expense should be applied. The asset should have an Asset Status Code U (Under Construction).
8. Notes and Attachments (Required)
The vendor receipt for the procurement transaction must be electronically attached to the PCDO in the Notes and Attachments section. You can also use this section to add additional information about the transaction if it doesn't all fit in the Explanation field in the header section of the PCDO.
9. Document Not Used to Disapprove Transaction
There is no Disapprove button on the document. If the Procurement Card transaction was unauthorized, you should follow up with the cardholder, vendor, and/or bank as necessary.
10. Procurement Cardholder (PCDH)
The PCDH document is used to make changes to any of the default accounting information assigned to expenses made on the Procurement Card (e.g., account number, project, sub-object, etc.). The other fields on the document are no longer being used since the P-Card reconciliation process moved to AggieExpense.
The Procurement Cardholder link is available from the KFS Main Menu.
- Any FIS user can perform lookups against the Procurement Cardholder Lookup screen; however ONLY the Fiscal Officer or their Delegate(s) can make updates to the default Procurement Card information assigned to the account(s) they manage.
- The Card Reviewer Name/Reconciler and Designated Reviewer Group fields are no longer being used.
- The PCDH does not generally route unless your department has Organization Review routing established.
If you find that you routinely have to move Card expenses to a different account on the PCDO document, the Procurement Cardholder document can eliminate this issue!