Resources on the Incentive-Based Budget Model for Graduate Tuition
The “graduate model” is actually comprised of two models: the Graduate Tuition Revenue (GRTR) model and the Master’s Enrollment Incentive Program (MEIP). Before the MEIP was created, the Graduate Model included enrollments and revenue that are now part of the MEIP. Now, the Graduate Model is the revenue distribution model for all PhD and non-MEIP participating masters programs. Masters programs may choose which model in which to participate.
Funding for both models comes from tuition and Nonresident Supplemental Tuition (NRST) revenue paid by graduate academic students. Any growth in these funds is directed to the central campus, Dean’s Offices (where, in the case of graduate groups, the Dean is the designated Lead Dean), the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS), and individual graduate programs (both departments and graduate groups). How those funds flow to each depends on the student level, type of fund, and which model a program is in. Table 1 below shows the fund flow to each, with the primary difference being that the MEIP model directs more tuition and NRST to the Deans and programs than to the Provost. PhD revenue flow was unaffected by the introduction of the MEIP.
Tuition revenue includes a return to aid (RTA) component, set by the Regents, which, for graduate students, is a minimum of 50% of Tuition returned to students in the form of financial aid. In both models, this flows through the Office of Graduate Studies (and sometimes through the central campus) to be allocated to programs.
Table 1. Current Graduate Revenue Distribution by Model
Model | Revenue | Level | Share to Central Campus | Share to Deans | Share to Programs (via OGS) |
Graduate Model | Tuition | Masters | 67% (including Return to Aid) | 33% | 0% |
PhD | 67% (including Return to Aid) | 33% | 0% | ||
NRST | Masters | 50% | 0% | 50% | |
PhD | 100% | 0% | 0% | ||
MEIP | Tuition | Masters | 10% | 40% | 50% (return to aid) |
NRST | Masters | 20% | 80% | 0% |
Allocations of the Graduate Tuition Revenue Model are made as ongoing budget increments to bring units’ allocations in line with their prior year’s enrollment. For 2024-25, this pool was allocated as shown in Table 2 below:
Table 2. 2024-25 GRTR Allocations
Unit | 2023-24 Ongoing Budget | 2024-25 Increment | 2024-25 Ongoing Budget |
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences | $3.3M | -$66K | $3.2M |
College of Biological Sciences | $1.5M | -$43K | $1.5M |
College of Engineering | $3.5M | -$63K | $3.4M |
College of Letters and Science | $5.7M | -$112K | $5.6M |
School of Education | $1.2M | $2K | $1.2M |
School of Medicine | $207K | -$22K | $186K |
School of Nursing | $175K | $10K | $185K |
School of Veterinary Medicine | $633K | $13K | $646K |
Academic Units (Subtotal) | $16.2M | -$281K | $15.9M |
Graduate Programs and Groups (via Office of Graduate Studies) | $684K | $272K | $956K |
Central Campus | $49.6M | -$766K | $48.8M |
Total | $66.5M | -$775K | $65.7M |
Note: totals may not tie due to rounding
Allocations of the Master’s Incentive Enrollment Program are made as one-time budget allocations given in arrears to fund the prior year’s enrollment. For 2023-24, this pool was allocated as shown in Table 3 below:
Table 3. 2023-24 MEIP Allocations
Unit | 2023-24 current budget |
Academic Units | $2.8M |
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences | $466K |
College of Engineering | $2.3M |
College of Letters and Science | $17K |
School of Veterinary Medicine | $7K |
Graduate Programs and Groups (via Office of Graduate Studies) | $1.5M |
Central Campus | $693K |
Total | $4.9M |
For more information, contact the Budget Office.
Resources (PDFs):
- 2023-24 Master’s Enrollment Incentive Program Allocations - June 2024
- Graduate Tuition Revenue Allocations - August 2024
- Masters Enrollment Incentive Allocations - June 2023
- Increased Masters Enrollment Incentive – November 2019
- Graduate Tuition Model, Version 2.1 – January 2014
- Graduate Tuition Model Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – revised, February 2014
- Archived Issue Papers, Updates and Status Reports
- Prior Versions:
Graduate Tuition Allocation, Version 2 – December 2013
Graduate Tuition Allocation, Version 1 – April 2013
Updates and Status Reports (PDFs):
Graduate Tuition in the Budget Model – March 2014, revised