- COVID Emergency Relief Grant FAQ
- MyBill Account Access & Information
- Payments & Charges
- Late Payments & Refunds
- Grants, Scholarships &Financial Aid
- Tuition & Fees
- Health Insurance
- I see a credit on MyBill account for CARES Act Emergency Relief Grant, what is that?
- The CARES Act Emergency Relief Grant Fund provides emergency financial aid assistance to eligible students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus as stipulated by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) Act was signed into law March 27, 2020. Please refer to the Financial Aid and Scholarship FAQ page for additional information.
- I see a credit in my account for CARES Act Emergency Relief Grant, when do I get the refund?
- Once your grant is disbursed to MyBill, allow 1-3 business days for your refund to be processed. If you currently have direct deposit in your student account you will receive the funds in your bank, please allow 24/48 hours for the funds to show in your account. If you don’t currently have direct deposit, please visit to sign up ASAP but there is a possibility you miss the direct deposit deadline as it takes 1-3 days for direct deposit to be active. If direct deposit is not active at the time we process your refund, a paper check will be issued and we will contact you once the check is available with instructions on how to get your check.
- My friend received a refund for CARES Act Emergency Relief Grant, will I get it too?
- Please refer to the Financial Aid and Scholarship FAQ page for eligibility information.
- I still have a balance on my account but I received a refund for the CARES Act Emergency Relief Grant, why my account wasn’t paid from those funds?
- Due to restrictions on those funds, the money was to be refunded in full to the students and the university couldn’t use them to pay your account. You are still responsible to make a payment for your outstanding fees.
- I received a refund for the CARES Act Emergency Relief Grant but it isn’t 100% of what I was awarded? Will I receive the difference?
- Yes. Our staff will have to review your account and adjust your refund. You will receive the difference in a separate refund a few days later.
COVID Emergency Relief Grant
- I see a credit on MyBill account for COVID Emergency Relief Grant, what is that?
- Undocumented students are not eligible for support using funds from the federal CARES Act, however, institutional resources are being made available to ensure that emergency grants are available to undocumented AB 540 eligible students based on need. Please refer to the Financial Aid and Scholarship FAQ page for additional information.
- I see a credit in my account for COVID Emergency Relief Grant, when do I get the refund?
- Once your grant is disbursed to MyBill, allow 1-3 business days for your refund to be processed. If you currently have direct deposit in your student account you will receive the funds in your bank, please allow 24/48 hours for the funds to show in your account. If you don’t currently have direct deposit, please visit to sign up ASAP but there is a possibility you miss the direct deposit deadline as it takes 1-3 days for direct deposit to be active. If direct deposit is not active at the time we process your refund, a paper check will be issued and we will contact you once the check is available with instructions on how to get your check.
- My friend received a refund for COVID Emergency Relief Grant, will I get it too?
- Please refer to the Financial Aid and Scholarship FAQ page for eligibility information.
- I still have a balance on my account but I received a refund for the COVID Emergency Relief Grant, why my account wasn’t paid from those funds?
- Due to restrictions on those funds, the money was to be refunded in full to the students and the university couldn’t use them to pay your account. You are still responsible to make a payment for your outstanding fees.
- I received a refund for the COVID Emergency Relief Grant but it isn’t 100 percent of what I was awarded? Will I receive the difference?
- Yes. Our staff will have to review your account and adjust your refund. You will receive the difference in a separate refund a few days later.
MyBill Account Access & Information
- What's an authorized user?
- An authorized user is a person that the student has allowed access to their account. The authorized user is able to discuss financial information in the student account with our office. Without this authorization, our office won't be able to discuss any account details.
- I am a student and I am attempting to login to MyBill using my email address and password, but I'm unable to get in.
- As a student, you should be logging in under the “Students and Staff” link which will re-direct you to a page where you will enter your Kerberos Login ID and Passphrase. If you cannot remember these, please contact IT Services for assistance at: 530-754-HELP (4357).
- I am a parent and I'm having trouble signing myself up to pay my student's bill. How do I sign up and pay?
- The student will need to log into MyBill and click the authorized user tab to enter any third party and provide them access to their MyBill account. Any authorized user will have their own log-in email and password. The third party password is set by the authorized user once they receive the notification that they have been added to the account. Please keep in mind the authorized users and the student use different logins. Be sure to use the appropriate link to log in.
- I'm not an authorized user on the account, but I'm responsible for paying my student's bill. Why can't you discuss my student's account with me?
- Due Federal Laws and Regulations, we are unable to disclose student information if the student is over 18 years old and has not provided the authorization. For more information about Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). To become an authorized user, please have your student grant you access on MyBill.
- How can parents, family members, or any other third party payments get access to my account?
- Students can provide permission to others (parents, employers, etc.) to view their bill and make payments. More than one user can be added on each student’s account. A student must log in to Mybill using their student ID and Kerberos Passphrase, click the authorized user tab and enter the e-mail address of the person being authorized. The authorized user will then receive an e-mail notification that they have been added and will prompt them to update their profile. This authorization is separate from the Financial Aid third party authorization.
- Who can add an authorized user to MyBill?
- Only students can add and/or delete any Authorized Users to their account on MyBill.
- Where does a student obtain their password for MyBill?
- Students need to use their UC Davis Kerberos ID and Passphrase to login into MyBill. If you need assistance retrieving or requesting a new passphrase, please contact UC Davis Computing Account Services Help Desk at 530-754-HELP (4357) or visit their website and select “Change your passphrase”. Students shouldn’t use the “Forgot Your Password” link in MyBill as that is for authorized users only.
- Why do I need to provide my student ID every time I contact Student Accounting?
- In order to verify we are talking to the correct student and to protect the student information we must obtain this information. To comply with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations we must verify that you are indeed the person who is calling. Once we have verified that we are talking to the correct student or authorized user, we are then able to view your account and answer any questions you may have.
Payments & Charges
- What student services and fees can be paid at the Campus Cashiering Office?
Associated Students
> Book Exchange
> Refrigerator Refunds
Graduate School of Management
> Working MBA Professional Program (except credit cards)
Graduate Studies> Filing Fee
> Master's Candidacy Plan I
> Master's Candidacy Plan II
> Doctoral Candidacy Plan A
> Doctoral Candidacy Plan B
> Doctoral Candidacy Plan CHousing
> Residence Halls
> Apartments
> Cooperatives
Registrar's Office
> General Fee Information
> Registrar Forms for:
> Transcripts
> Letter of Certification
> Re-Admission
> PTA/PTD Fees
> Retroactive Change Fees
> Diploma Mailing
> Duplicate ID- What types of payment methods are accepted?
- Payments can be made in person by personal check, Cashier’s Check, Money Order, or cash. Online payments can be made on MyBill by Electronic Check or Credit Card. A full list of payment methods can be found on the Payment Options webpage.
- How can I submit my payment?
- To submit payment electronically via eCheck or Credit Cards, please visit MyBill. For electronic check payments, you will need your bank account number and routing number. For information on paying by mail, in person, or with a bank wire, please visit the Cashier and Payment Solutions Office website.
- What forms of payment are accepted on MyBill?
- Electronic Check and all Credit Card payments are accepted on the MyBill website.
- Where do I go to make a payment in person?
- Please visit the Campus Cashiering at: 1200 Dutton Hall Davis, CA 95616. In person payment methods include: cash, personal check, cashier’s check and money orders. No credit card payments are accepted in person.
- What methods of payment are accepted at Campus Cashiering?
- Payments can be made in person at Campus Cashiering by Personal Check, Cashier’s Check, Money Order, or Cash. No credit cards are accepted at Campus Cashiering.
- How long will it take to process a myBill payment?
- Your eCheck payment will appear immediately on your student account. For purposes of payment deadlines, payments must be made on or before 11:59 pm the day of the deadline. Different banks process eChecks on different timelines; contact your bank for more information.
- I have set up a scheduled payment on MyBill to pay my student fees before the due date. Why did it not take out my payment?
- There may be different reasons why the scheduled payment did not process.
> The amount due may have been larger than the amount you have set as your maximum payment amount on MyBill.
> The terms of your scheduled payment has expired.
> No fees were due at the time. - How do I pay a different amount than what is due on MyBill?
- To make a payment other than the entire account balance, click on the payment tab in MyBill, select amount due and manually enter the amount you wish to pay in the empty box provided. We do not accept amounts greater than what is due.
- My statement amount is different than my account status on MyBill. What amount is correct?
- Monthly billing statements are courtesy electronic statements that are issued on the 22nd of each month. They are static and do not reflect charges and payments made directly after that billing period. For the most accurate information, always refer to your MyBill account activity.
- How do I look up my current account balance?
- To view your current account balance, please log into the On the front page you will be able to see the current account balance with and without any estimated aid.
- How do I obtain a statement for the amount due?
- You may log into MyBill, and click on eStatements. Then select the billing statement you wish to view or print.
- I have a question about a UC Davis Bookstore charge on my student account. Who do I speak with about this?
- UC Davis Bookstore charges can be directed to the UC Davis Bookstore at (530) 752-6846.
- Why do I have a Cal AGGIE fee on my account?
- The Student Alumni Association (SAA) Voluntary Fee Pledge is a way for students who belong to the SAA while in school to become fully paid members of the Cal Aggie Alumni Association (CAAA) upon graduation. For Cal Aggie questions please contact: (530) 752-0286.
- When is the Student Fee Payment Deadline?
- All fees are due on the 15th of each month. For the calendar of university deadlines please visit the Office of the University Registrar webpage.
- When is the registration fee payment due?
- The registration fee payment is due the 15th of the month before the quarter starts. You can find the fee payment deadline at the Office of the University Registrar webpage.
- I see different amounts due on MyBill. What do I need to pay?
- 1) If you have financial aid and your aid is on authorized status, you are responsible to pay the Balance Including Estimated Aid. Even though your aid hasn’t disbursed yet, the university will account for it before the fee payment deadline.
2) If you do not have financial aid or your aid is not fully authorized, you are responsible for the entire amount under Balance.
3) If you are on Deferred Payment Plan (DPP), you are responsible to pay the complete balance Not Included in Plan under Other Charges. In addition to the current DPP installment. You can find the DPP installments detail under Payment Plan.
4) If you are comparing your Balance under Current Account Status with the Bill Amount under Statements and they are different, that is because you had charges or payments posted to your account after the monthly billing statements were issued. Please refer to items 1 – 3 to determine your amount due. - I paid my housing deposit in March and it's not showing on my account. When will it appear on my account?
- It will appear on your account in late August when your Fall Quarter fees are posted to your account.
- I am currently an undergraduate at another campus. My aid will not be disbursed until after UC Davis fee payment deadline. Can I wait or do I need to make payment by the UC Davis Fee Payment Deadline?
- You will need to pay all of your fees by the UC Davis Fee Payment Deadline. If your aid is posted to your UC Davis account at a later date we will process your refund.
- Will I be able to set up automatic payments using my credit card as a saved payment method?
- No. Beginning August 16, 2018, students and authorized users will no longer have the ability to schedule automatic payments or save credit card information as this payment type now uses a separate third party processor. Automatic payments will only be available for checking accounts.
- May I write an eCheck against a foreign account?
- Only if the issuing bank participates in the United States Federal Reserve Banking System. Please check with your bank before writing an eCheck on a foreign account.
- Will the service fee that I am being charged be included on my student account breakdown and statement?
- No. The service fee is a fee assessed by our third party processor, Touchnet PayPath®, in addition to the payment for student accounts. The service fee will not appear on your student account or on your billing statement. You will receive notification that the online payment was processed successfully, and it will show the amount of payment, the amount of service fee and the total payment amount. You can see the service fee on your credit card account. The payment and service fee will show as two different lines on your credit card statement.
- Is there a fee to pay using MyBill?
- Paying with an eCheck is free of charge. We now accept all major credit cards. A 2.95% transaction fee (minimum $3) applies. The transaction fee is charged by the third-party processor, not UC Davis, and is not refundable even if the payment to which it relates is canceled, refunded, credited, or charged back.
- May I used the credit card convenience checks I receive as eChecks?
- No. At this time, UC Davis does not accept credit card convenience checks.
- Are other Universities charging a service fee for credit card transactions?
- Yes. Credit card service fees are not unique to UC Davis. Many other schools nationwide charge service fees for credit card transactions.
- Will I be able to set up automatic payments using my credit card as a saved payment method?
- No. Beginning August 16, 2018, students and authorized users will no longer have the ability to schedule automatic payments or save credit card information as this payment type now uses a separate third party processor. Automatic payments will only be available for checking accounts.
- What is the transaction fee for credit card payments?
Credit card payments are processed through a third-party, TouchNet PayPath and accepted through MyBill only. A non-refundable service fee (a minimum fee of $3) will apply to all credit card payments. The service fee is 2.95% for domestic transactions and 4.25% for international transactions. The fee is charged by the third-party processor, not UC Davis, and is not refundable even if the payment to which it relates is canceled, refunded, credited, or charged back.
*Please note: While the service fee does not appear on UC Davis student accounts, it does appear on credit card statements.
- What Credit Cards are accepted at UC Davis?
Credit card payments are processed through a third-party, TouchNet PayPath and accepted through MyBill only. A non-refundable service fee (a minimum fee of $3) will apply to all credit card payments. The service fee is 2.95% for domestic transactions and 4.25% for international transactions. The fee is charged by the third-party processor, not UC Davis, and is not refundable even if the payment to which it relates is canceled, refunded, credited, or charged back.
Please note: While the service fee does not appear on UC Davis student accounts, it does appear on credit card statements. E-check payment options are still available, free of charge. Debit card payments must be processed as e-checks using your routing and account number to avoid the transaction fee.
- Can I pay in advance for future terms?
- No. We bill all tuition and fees on a quarterly basis. Payment are due each quarter by the Fee Payment Deadline to avoid the drop for non-payment process.
- I want to use my debit card to make a payment. Would I be charged the 2.95% service fee?
- Yes, debit cards will be processed as credit cards. To avoid the 2.95% service fee, use your bank routing number and account number and make a payment as an eCheck. The service fee is 2.95% for domestic transactions and 4.25% for international transactions. The fee is charged by the third-party processor, not UC Davis, and is not refundable even if the payment to which it relates is canceled, refunded, credited, or charged back.
- Is there any way I can avoid paying the service fee?
- You can avoid paying the 2.95% service fee by paying on MyBill with an e-check. Payments by cash, check or money order can be made in person at Campus Cashiering.
- I plan on paying my tuition with Home Banking. How does this process work?
- When setting up this option, ensure that payment is issued to UC Regents and the account number listed is your Student ID (located on your billing statement). The University does not receive electronic payments from your bank. Most banks use a third party to issue the check and mail it out to us. This process can take up to a week before we receive the check. The bank will debit your account based on the date of payment, this does not reflect the date it was received or cashed by UC Davis. To ensure your payment is processed timely, we recommend you verify your MyBill account before our established due date to confirm we have received your payment. If your payment is not received by the established due date your student may be dropped for non-payment.
- I am an international student. How can I make wire payments from overseas?
- To wire funds to UC Davis, you will need to contact the Campus Cashiering directly for additional information on completing a wire transaction. For more information please visit the Campus Cashiering webpage. Please contact the Campus Cashiering at (530)752-0460 or email
- How can I verify if my payment was made?
- To verify if you payments have posted to your student account, please visit MyBill. If you are unable to see any payments posting to your account, then no payment has been submitted. If there is a balance due, please submit another payment for the amount due. Please allow approximately 48 business hours for the funds to be removed from your bank account.
- How can I make sure my payment went through?
- Please allow approximately 48 business hours for the funds to be removed from your bank account when making an online electronic check payment. To verify if your payment has processed thoroughly, we recommend contacting your bank in which you submitted payment from.
- Can I have a payment cancelled?
- Once payments are submitted, they are final and we are unable to cancel the payment.
- Can I have a payment cancelled if I entered the wrong bank information on line?
- Once payments are submitted, they are final and we are unable to cancel. You will need to wait until the bank returns the submitted payment to UC Davis, at which point you will receive an email and then you will be able to make another payment with the correct information.
- Why did I receive an email stating my payment cannot be processed due to no account found?
- We have been notified by your bank that this payment cannot be processed because the account information provided is inaccurate. Please verify with your bank the correct banking and routing number prior to submitting another payment.
- If I cannot pick up my check at Student Accounting can it be mailed to me?
- Yes, we can mail your check to you. You must call in our office at 530-752-3646 or email us at to request the check to be mailed and confirm the correct address.
Late Payments & Refunds
- Why was I assessed a $45 late fee?
- Students who choose to pay after the Fee Payment Deadline will be assessed a $45 late fee to process the late payment. For the graduate students, the $45 late fee will be assessed to those students who choose to pay more than five calendar days after the Graduate Final Fee Payment Deadline.
- Can I get the $45 late registration fee waived?
- The late registration fee is a non-refundable fee. For further information please contact the Office of the University Registrar at (530) 752-3639 regarding the late fee or visit their website.
- What are the consequences of not paying on time?
- Students may be dropped from their classes if they have not paid their current university fees and any outstanding balance due by the Student Fee Payment Deadline. In addition, a $45 late fee will be assessed to the account that is not paid after the five day to process the late payment.
- If the payment was mailed yesterday, postmarked and UC Davis doesn't receive it by the fee payment deadline, is it still considered late?
- Payments must be received and posted to your student account to be considered received. Postmarked payments are not considered as a timely payment.
- I paid with a Credit Card and now I have a refund. Can I receive that refund back as a paper check or will it be refunded to my Credit Card? (Portal)
- If you paid with your Credit Card, the refund will be refunded back to your Credit Card that was used to pay.
- I received a refund to my Credit Card. Why wasn't I refunded the 2.95% service fee?
- This is a non-refundable service fee which is agreed upon at the time the transaction is processed.
- Can I cash my refund check at the Campus Cashiering?
- University checks up to $500 can be cashed at Campus Cashiering.
- Why was my online payment returned for insufficient funds?
- We have been notified by your bank that this payment cannot be processed due lack of available funds in your bank account. Please contact your bank for any further information.
- I received an email that my payment was returned and not accepted after the system gave me confirmation of my payment being accepted. What is this discrepancy?
- Once you submit your payment online we have to present your payment to the bank. If the bank rejects the transaction we have to notify you of the rejected transaction and a new payment needs to be processed with the correct information.
- Why was I assessed a $25 Returned Check Fee?
- We have been notified by your bank that this payment cannot be processed due lack of available funds in your bank account. Please contact your bank for any further information. The $25 fee is a non-refundable fee as such fees are also charged to the University to process each payment.
- What happens if my payment is rejected by my bank?
- Rejected payments will be reversed from the students account and are subject to a non-refundable $25 return fee. We will notify you by email regarding this rejection.
- When can I pick up my quarterly refund check?
- Per Federal Regulations, we are not able to issue quarterly refunds until the first day of the quarter. For quarterly dates please visit the Office of the University Registrar (OUR).
- What do I do with the refund check?
- You should take your refund check to your bank and deposit it into your bank account. You can also visit a local Wells Fargo and they can cash your university check. You will need a government issued ID or passport.
- Do I need a photo ID to pick up my check?
- Yes, you will need your UCD photo ID or any other government issued ID to pick up your check.
- I lost my refund check. What should I do to get this re-issued?
- You may download and complete the Lost Destroyed Check Form. You can drop off the form in person to our office or mail to: 2100 Dutton Hall, Davis, CA 95616. Please allow 6-8 weeks for processing. We need an original signature, no scanned or fax copies will be accepted. This form is also available in our office if you would like to visit us and complete it in person.
- I did not cash my refund check within the 180 days and it’s stale. How do I get my money?
- Complete the Lost or Destroyed Check Form. This will allow a new check to be issued.
- When will my refund be processed now that I am enrolled as part time status?
- Your refund of tuition credits will depend upon when the Registrar Office posts the credits to your student account. Once you see the credit posted to your student account, please call (530) 752-3646 or email through the student portal and request for the refund to be processed. There is a waiting period until the 10th day of instruction when entering into a new term. If you are a financial aid recipient we need to wait until the Financial Aid Office reviews the account before any refunds can be issued.
- I was told I would receive 50% credit of my tuition as a refund once I was approved for part time status. Why did I receive less?
- You’re credited 50% of tuition and not 50% of campus fees and charges included in the overall original charge.
- I overpaid and I am anticipating a refund. When can I expect to receive the funds in my bank account?
- When entering into a new term, refunds as a result of an over payment will not be processed until after the 10th day of instruction. Once processed, it will take another 24-48 business hours to be available in your bank account if you are enrolled in Direct Deposit and if not enrolled in Direct Deposit, there will be a paper check available the following business day after 2:30pm in the Student Accounting office, 2100 Dutton Hall.
- I overpaid and I am anticipating a refund. When can I expect to receive the refund if I’m not enrolled and I paid with a Credit Card?
- Your refund will be issued via to the credit card (s) used to pay for your account charges. These refunds cannot be requested until after the 10th day of instruction when entering into a new term.
- MyBill indicates that I was issued a refund but my Direct Deposit account is no longer active. Where are the funds?
- If the direct deposit account is no longer active, the bank will return the funds to UC Davis and that point you will be issued a paper check to be picked up at Student Accounting. We are unable to expedite the processing of this as each bank has their own procedure. You will receive an e-mail notification when your refund check is ready to be picked up.
- I am enrolled in Direct Deposit but my refund was never deposited into my account. Can you look into this?
- We deliver the funds to student’s banks the following business day. Each bank follows their own procedure in the processing of these funds. Please check with your bank to verify when the funds will be available. If funds are not available, we can provide tracking information to assist locating the deposit in your bank.
- I withdrew from UC Davis and paid for the Statement to Intent to Register (SIR). When will I receive my refund?
- The Statement to Intent to Register (SIR) is a non-refundable fee. You will not be receiving a refund.
- Who should I contact about a Student Housing late fee?
- Please contact Student Housing Office in regards to the Housing Late Fee. You can contact them by email at or (530) 752-2033.
- I was charged a housing late fee and I don't understand why?
- Housing late fees are charged to accounts if full payment has not been received for your university housing charges. Please contact Student Housing Office in regards to the Housing Late Fee. You can contact them by email at or (530) 752-2033.
- When can I expect to receive my refund for my meal change?
- Student Housing Office processes these refunds. Please contact the Student Housing Office at or (530) 752-2033.
- I am enrolled in the DPP and was charged a $10 Late Fee even though my installment amount was automatically deducted from my bank account. Why is this?
- Fees that are not included in the Deferred Payment Plan require a separate payment along with the installment. If you received a late fee then you have not paid all of what is due. In order to ensure that you are capturing all fees that are not included in the Deferred Payment Plan, please view the "Other Charges Not Included in Plan" under the Current Amount status page of MyBill. Be sure to pay these in addition to your installment amount by the given due date.
- If the installment payments are not credited to the account by the Due Date, the following may occur:
- > Your account will be assessed a late fee
> A block may be placed on your diploma, and registration for future terms
> You may be dropped from your scheduled classes
> You will not be able to register for future terms
> Other collection actions as determined by the University
Grants, Scholarships & Financial Aid
- Why didn't I receive as much financial aid this year as last year?
- Your eligibility to receive financial aid and the amount you receive is determined by the packaging based off of your FAFSA. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for further information.
- Why didn't I receive my full grant that was disbursed as a refund?
- Once grants are disbursed to the student’s account, any balance due will be deducted prior to any refund being issued.
- My financial aid is showing authorized on my account but it has not yet disbursed and the fee payment deadline is approaching. Will I be required to make a payment?
- As long as your financial aid shows authorized, you are only responsible for making the payment amount specified in the “Amount Due Including Estimated Aid” under your current account status in MyBill.
- My financial aid is still processing and the fee payment deadline is approaching. Will I be required to make a payment?
- To avoid being dropped for non-payment, you are responsible to pay all of your fees until your financial has been authorized. We recommend you contact the Financial Aid Office to follow-up on the status of your aid.
- Who do I contact if I have questions about my pending loans, Cal Grant, Pell Grant, etc.?
- All questions pertaining to pending Financial Aid (loans, Cal Grant, Pell Grant, etc.) should be directed to the Financial Aid Office.
- Why is there a Financial Aid charge on my account?
- Financial Aid appearing as a charge on your account is a result adjustments to your aid package. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for any further information.
- I am a recipient of an outside scholarship. How do I ensure that the funds are delivered to my student account?
- Please visit the Sponsorships and Scholarships webpage.
- My home country is paying my tuition bill. They are requesting an invoice sent to them to submit payment to UC Davis.
- Please contact our Sponsorship/scholarship representative, at 530-752-3646 (Student Accounting mainline) or email for further assistance.
Tuition & Fees
- How can I get a list of the student fees?
- You can get an estimate of all student fees at the Tuition & Fees page.
- Why am I being charged a course material fee?
- Students may be charged fees in some courses for the use, rental or consumption of materials, tools or equipment, or for the costs of materials or services necessary to provide a special supplemental educational experience. For example, course materials fees may cover the purchase of chemicals and glassware for a science laboratory or art supplies for an art studio class. They might also cover film rentals, field trips, or the purchase or rental of specific equipment. Courses that may be subject to the course materials fee are listed in the Class Schedule.
- Can course material fees be waived?
- Course Material Fee Waivers are accepted up until the 20th day of instruction. Please refer to the Office of the University Registrar website.
Health Insurance
- How can I waive the student health insurance plan (SHIP) fees?
- You can fill out the waiver at Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS).
- Who do I contact if I have submitted my health Insurance waiver application and it's not posted to my account?
- Once you apply for the waiver, it usually takes approximately 10 days to be approved. If you don't see the waiver after 10 days, please contact Student Health and Counseling Services, Insurance Office at (530) 752-6055 to discuss your pending waiver.
- Do I still need to pay for the Health Insurance even though I waived it?
- As long as your health insurance waiver is posted to your account by the fee payment deadline, you will not need to make payment. If your waiver, has not posted to your account, then you must make payment to avoid being dropped for non-payment.
- Will I receive a refund if I pay the full amount including SHIP when the waiver gets posted later?
- Once your waiver has been posted to your account, any credit balances will be refunded after the 10th day of instruction.
- I have a question about a Student Health Center charge on my student account. Who do I speak with about this?
- Student Health and Counseling Services charges can be directed to the Student Health Center at: (530) 752-2300.