people with pen poised at a conference table

Important Updates:

  • Fellowship payment issue to international students and scholars are subject successful completion of Glacier individual record, and Glacier forms and document copies submission to Tax, Compliance and Control (TCC). 
    • From the submission date, please allow ten business days for us to be able to review and process your records.


  • TCC Staff CANNOT provide assistance with your annual tax returns with the IRS. This includes inquiries pertaining to Glacier Tax Prep, as this is a separate system from Glacier Individual Record. Please do not submit IRS tax documents to this department. 

Tax Reporting & Compliance

Ensuring compliance and minimizing liability.

The mission of the UC Davis Tax Reporting & Compliance unit is to minimize the university's tax liability and ensure compliance with institutional tax withholding and reporting obligations.

We consult with campus personnel and affiliates to resolve tax issues specific to departmental needs and manage audits by external tax authorities. Our team also serves as an internal tax advisor to central administrative units such as Accounts Payable, Accounting Services, Payroll, Purchasing, and Student Business Services.