A Project Document contains created projects. A project code is used to represent a one-time, or intermittent departmental event or activity.
Using these codes allows consolidation of transactions from several sources, including multiple organizations and accounts. Each relevant transaction can then be coded with the project code so that the total costs associated with a project can be calculated. Any person can use a project code on a transaction, regardless of the project manager or home organization. Reports can be run utilizing Decision Support so that total costs of a project can be tracked.
The project code is designated by a code from 1-10 characters in length, using any combination of alpha or numeric characters (other characters should not be used). Projects can be used across organizations and accounts. This allows a user to report on expenses at the project level across several different accounts and/or organizations. Projects are created on the Project document in KFS. Anyone can create a project, and there is no routing for this document unless Organization Review routing has been established.
A project code is entered in the Project field of the accounting line on a KFS document. You can use the Transactions by Project (25) query in FIS Decision Support to retrieve a report of all expenses related to a particular project.