
  1. Changing UC Account Numbers on Accounts
  2. Changing UC Fund Numbers on Accounts

Changing UC Account Number on Accounts

Note: Visit the UC Accounts page for more information on what a UC Account is.

Changing the UC account assigned to a Kuali account can have a significant impact on the university's financial reports. For this reason, changes to UC accounts are generally not allowed. The following factors are evaluated when determining whether a UC account change is appropriate:

  • If the Kuali account had budget or expense activity in a prior fiscal year.
  • What the UC account is changing from and to.

Common reasons for wanting to change the UC account:

  1. When the KFS account was created, the wrong UC account was assigned.
    When the KFS account did not have budget or expense activity in a prior fiscal year, then it's ok to change the UC account because the university has not yet reported financial activity for the KFS account.

    If the KFS account had budget or expense activity in a prior fiscal year, then consider the change:

    • If you are only changing the first two digits of the UC account, and those changes do not change the Higher Education Function Code (HEFC), then the change is allowed. Example: A change from 444024 to 454024 is okay because both 44 and 45 have the same HEFC - Organized Research.
    • However, a change from 444024 to 624024 is typically not allowed because it's a change in HEFC - Organized Research to Public Service. Instead, create a new KFS account and transfer the expenses from the old account to the new account.
  2. A KFS account is being moved from one department to another.
    If a Kuali account belonging to one department is being moved to another, it is not appropriate to change the UC account. Instead, create a new Kuali account. This will enable the university to separate the account activity that occurred in the prior department from the account activity that occurs in the current department.

Changing UC Fund Numbers on Accounts

Note: Visit the UC Funds page for more information on what a UC Fund is.

Common reasons for changing UC Fund Numbers:

  1. New funding in a different UC Fund Number
    You may be told that the funding for your program is now in another fund. While it is tempting to keep the old account, and change the fund number, you should correctly create a new account under the new fund. You may be required to make cost transfers from the old account to the new account, if you have incurred costs in the old account.

  2. Error in Budget Adjustment document
    If you are transferring funds between accounts, using a Budget Adjustment (BA) document, you may see the message "Debits and credits for sub fund group sub-fund short name must equal each other." This indicates that you are trying to transfer funds between accounts that do not have the same UC fund number. Because this is an inappropriate transfer, you should not change the UC fund on one of the accounts just to process the BA. Contact Administrative Resource Management (ARM) to determine how to proceed.
  3. Incorrectly attributed UC Fund
    If an incorrect UC fund was used when the account was created and there haven't been any financial or budgetary transactions on the account, then it's acceptable to change the UC fund.

Potential adverse impacts of changing UC Fund Number:

  1. UC funds will not be in balance
    For example, the results of changing the UC fund number from 19900 to 19980 on an account that has a budget balance of $1,000 credit:
    Adverse implications of funds that are not in balance include:
    • UC Fund 19900 will become out of balance by $1,000 debit
    • UC Fund 19980 will become out of balance by $1,000 credit
    • Evaluating and adjusting the fund will be difficult as you may not be reviewing all the accounts in the fund, which could erroneously lead you to increase or decrease your account.
    • Increasing the chance of spending or saving money that belongs to another fund
    • Increasing the chance of making financial decisions with incomplete or inaccurate information
  2. Inappropriately changing the sub-fund group
    In the example above, UC Fund 19900 has a sub-fund group of GENFND (General Funds) and UC Fund 19980 has a sub-fund group of GENICR (General Funds-Indirect Cost Recovery), respectively. By changing the fund, you are also changing the sub-fund group, which can result in inappropriately allowing or disallowing certain transactions to be recorded in your account.
  3. Incorrect data in FIS Decision Support
    An account's attributes are frozen every month, so you would end up with a different UC fund and sub-fund group in consecutive months. Changing the UC Fund number on an account makes it very difficult to perform analytical review or historical comparisons between fiscal years or even fiscal periods.

The impact of changing the UC fund on an existing account can be significant.

Note: Any KFS Account documents citing changes to the UC fund number will automatically route to Accounting & Financial Services for review and approval.